W A S T E W O M A N | P O R T L A N D , O R

a b o u t w a s t e w o m a n

Wastewoman is an interactive experience serving as a reminder of the profound power we each hold to heal ourselves, offering a holistic path to wellness through ancient knowledge brought in contemporary life as we navigate the rebirth of the chakra system.

Wastewoman invites participants to reconnect with their inner strength and explore new ways of understanding their energies transcending the past and embracing healing on all levels.

This installation is a journey of personal and collective healing, inviting viewers to interact with each of the seven chakras through carefully curated spaces, each designed to activate different energies and emotional states. Visitors will be able to sit in designated zones, each tuned to the specific chakra and feeling the vibration of frequencies of these energy centers.

This is an immersive and transformative art installation that explores the power of self-healing through the ancient wisdom of the chakra system revitalized with a modern version, visionary twist, born from the dream-like realm of WasteTopia. The project emerged as a powerful message from the galactic mermaid that transcended from WasteTopia’s consciousness. Wastewoman’s channel was formulated through a Mystic mermaid figure who now returns to shape deeper revelations within us as we look ahead into 2045…

T H E | C H A K R A S


The mantra is:
 I Am

The Root chakra is at the base of our spine to our feet.

It represents support and survival. When we feel safe and fearless, the energy is flowing.

Its element is Earth.

The colour is Rich Red.


The mantra is:
 I Feel

The Sacral chakra is just below the navel.

It is our sexual and creative centre. It represents our creative expression.

Its element is Water.

The colour is Orange.


The mantra is:
 I Do

The Solar Plexus chakra is the golden sun at the centre of our being.

It represents personal power, identity and individuation.

Its element is Fire.

The colour is Yellow.


The mantra is:
 I Love

The Heart chakra is at the centre of the chest. It is the giving and receiving of unconditional love. We breathe in - we breathe out. It represents the cycle of life. Our intertwining with the earth.

Its element is Air.

The colour is Emerald Green.


The mantra is:
 I Speak my Truth

The Throat chakra covers the neck area up to our ears. It represents self-expression and communication.

Speaking and listening, as well as chanting and devotion.

Its element is Sound.

The colour is Blue.


The mantra is:
 I See

The Third eye is located in the centre of the forehead.

It is where we visualise and imagine.

It is the seat of intuition and ideas.

The element is Light.

The colour is Purple.


The mantra is:
 I Know

The Crown chakra is at the top of our head.

It represents our spirituality and connection to the Divine.

Its element is Thought.

The colour is White.