| Music I live by |

Dream by

The purpose of dreams is that they help you store important memories and things you've learned, get rid of unimportant memories, and sort through complicated thoughts and feelings.

Alt definition:
to indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired.

Incredible meditative music of Buddah Lounge

Create by

The more we create, the more we discover and realize our habits, impulses, and desires.

Music and creativity are kindred souls.
When we take the time and energy to develop
our own ideas, no matter what medium, we respect our inner nature and are better able to express ourselves on a regular basis.

Creative words that really got me going
see lyrics >

Grow by

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about personal growth:
I write about it, think about it, and try to live it out in
my life.

Growth for me has the power to transcend my current circumstances.
Keeping my focus on every outcome - good or bad - is an opportunity for me to learn and grow.

This song has been so incredibly relevant
see lyrics >

Relevant words that speak to me when I feel down
see lyrics >