ARCHIVE | Weekly Thoughts
The Path Begins
"My Own Camino Trail"
Today's the day to capture the journey, I have walked the past three weeks. Today 3/30/21 = 9. Start check numerology, set alter, and draw a few cards..The day and intention set we will see where we go. Oh, my number is 9 seems to always appear when needed…
"Personal Pilgrimage"
Today I impart, on the journey with my fellow pilgrims. This journey will start March 1 through July 30… 150 days of hope and healing. I will travel virtually along the ancient Camino del Santiago pilgrimage in Spain.
I will make this my own.
"Lessons and letting go"
This past week an unexpected storm trashed and ruined my beloved outdoor studio space. This space was my ART PIRATE place of creative endeavors that were barely realized.
It was hard. Damn snow & ice. Ultimately, it was a sign I could not ignore, for many reasons. And the lesson of letting go.
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"Keep your head above the snow"
Just as I'm about to lose it today…
with so many unforeseen challenges.
I realized this too is what it means to impart.
Our lives are changing...
what used to work no longer does, shift is essential. So take it slow…
and keep your head above the snow!